My Facebook friends must be thinking I’m nuts (again).  I’ve been tinkering with Facebook Stories and its Camera Effects.  In fact, I’ve been playing so much I’m also looking into the Camera Effects and AR (augmented reality) developer group.

First, here’s some of the images that I’ve been creating.  Here are some public images that I was playing with while in Portland at the World Domination Summit.

Changing Camera Effects

I took both of these pictures — the same picture with Camera Effects — while at Directors Park in Portland, OR.  The original picture was a slightly out of focus shot of three young girls playing.  I was sitting near their parents, who were so happy that the girls were enjoying themselves in the water (so the moms could enjoy and talk).  I took the photo, as I was entranced by their joy of play, and then shared it with the moms.  They were so happy with the versions of it that they wanted them emailed back to them.  I also shared it with the girls, who wanted more.  MORE!

Here’s how these were altered with Facebook Story Camera Effect.

  • I took the picture from within Facebook, from Stories on my Moto Z Play Android.
  • I then could either swipe through filters and overlays, or click the Effects icon, which is a magic wand.
  • I could select from options then that included things that looked like hot air balloons, which were combinations of filters that changed the nature of the image blocks, letting me create painting-like effects.

Since then, Facebook seemed to get rid of the balloons, and have expanded things that look like spheres.  Each seems to do a different thing.  I also can take photos with a Camera Effect on, and then can add a second Camera Effect with the Effects icon as well.

Here are many of my crazy examples:

Gandalf Plus

This one used the Gandalf-like AR addon, and then playing with the different spheres after the photo was taken.

This was the “first” Camera Effect layer, for comparison.

Comparing Effects – Me and Tree

This was two different filters from the same photo in Portland of me under a tree.

My start – LAX Morning

This was the picture that started it earlier for me, taken at LAX on my way to Portland.

Outdoor Images — Getting the Hang of it

Here’s one I took in Portland, the “wrong way” as a Landscape view.

These were taken in that same park, using just one Camera Effect each.

Simple Morning Shot

This was a simple view from my backyard writing retreat, with one of the spheres.

Down the Rabbit Hole – Playing with Layered Effects

These images above were a morph of a tired me with an overlay plus filters.  The grey is me, not a filter.


Above, here’s just playful me with overlays with no or minimal filters.

CPAP and darkness effect

Yes, I wear a CPAP machine and this is from a nearly dark photo, originally taken with a light red Camera Effect . . . and all the expansions of it with different Camera Effects as a second layer.


Using staggered shots

This was a series taken at an outdoor cafe last night.  The main effect took a staggered picture, and the differences are the second layers.

Using background and patterns

I really enjoy this series, also taken at the outdoor cafe.

Interestingly, I think this was the original.

My favorite Facebook Camera Effect

One of my favorite filters is one that seems to be like a roving watercolor.  Depending on when you click the “shutter,” it captures a different mix of colors and splotches.